Senior Living Made Easy, HomeCare Poway, Rancho Bernardo

Sunday, February 5th, 2017

Important decisions about who will care for an aging loved one can be difficult. While seniors typically live more fulfilled lives when given the tools to age at home, families are often unsure where to begin. Luckily, there are options, and senior living with assistance is a safe, practical solution. Here are three ways professional, qualified in home care can help.

Experienced Professionals In Your Home
Professional home care nurses are trained to work within the homes of their patients, tending to their needs in the same qualified way as if they were in a facility. That can mean administering difficult medications, assisting with daily activities, providing companionship and more.

Renewed Energy and Positivity
While there are many opportunities for laughter and fun, family caregivers rarely get the time they need to recharge, re-energize and refresh. Hiring in home caregivers is an easy way to ensure loved ones are surrounded by positivity, happiness and good energy. With regular scheduled break times, families often find the time they do spend with loved ones is more meaningful.

Safe Independence
Professional, in-home caregivers understand the potential disconnect between families and can provide objective, safe advice. With extensive experience dealing with a variety of age related illnesses, the right caregiver can anticipate behavior, making the transition from independence to assistance or back again easy and stress free.

Firstat Nursing Services has been providing a higher standard of home nursing, home health and home care services for elderly, disabled and injured people in the greater San Diego area since 1997.

People wanting to learn more are encouraged to pick up a copy of our free guide… “Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider" Just give us a call at 619-220-7600 or visit our website at:

Firstat Nursing Services
411 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108
☎ 619-220-7600

Home Care Poway, Rancho Bernardo Home Nursing

In Home Care El Cajon, Agency Shares Healthy Holiday Tips

Friday, December 30th, 2016

Firstat Nursing Services, a home health care and home nursing agency serving El Cajon, Chula Vista and San Diego supports Home Care and Hospice Month and shares, “3 Ways Seniors Can Stay Healthy During the Holidays.”

“Caregivers can help seniors beat the holiday blues, and make the most of the opportunities to enjoy the time safely and happily,” said Linnea Goodrich, president of Firstat Nursing Services.

Here are three ways seniors can stay healthy during the holidays.

Fight Holiday Depression-The holidays are often a painful source of depression for the elderly. A homecare provider can keep seniors active, providing them with someone to talk to during the seasonal months. Skilled nursing providers are also prepared to help seniors contact friends and family that are close enough to visit, ensuring safe travel for elderly to spend time with loved ones.

Don’t Overdo It-It is often tempting for seniors to try and visit everyone that offers an invitation to a home or holiday party. Seniors should talk to their homecare provider and let them help create a reasonable schedule that lets them visit loved ones safely while still getting plenty of rest in between.

Don’t Feel Obliged to Buy Big-Living on a fixed income often means having to cut back on expenses. Counseling from a skilled nursing caregiver can help seniors determine how much money they have to spend on holiday gifts while being prepared to meet their own needs for the rest of the month and year.

To learn more about in home care, pick up a copy of this free guide, "Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider," Just Call ☎ 619-220-7600 or go to:

In Home Care El Cajon, In Home Care Chula Vista

Firstat Nursing Services
411 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108
☎ 619-220-7600

In Home Care El Cajon, In Home Care Chula Vista

Relieve Caregiver Burnout, In Home Care El Cajon, Chula Vista

Friday, December 30th, 2016

Providing in home care for a loved one is rewarding. But without a break, around the clock responsibilities can be challenging. Luckily, professional in home healthcare can help. With part time options, on-demand access, medical expertise and more, professional help is a smart choice. Here are three ways in home health services can help relieve caregiver burnout.

Compassionate Support
Day-to-day challenges can be demanding, and a support system is an invaluable resource. Professional care can also be compassionate care, and the right can caregiver provide encouragement, kindness and much needed peace of mind.

Renewed Optimism and a Breath of Fresh Air
Long term responsibility can create depression, anxiety and mood swings, making it tough to maintain a positive demeanor. Having a professional nurse visit a few days a week is a breath of fresh air. Seniors often look forward to visits and many develop strong relationships that foster independence and happiness.

Time to Prioritize
With an expert on hand to administer medications, assist with activities and supervise, family can attend to their own responsibilities. Taking time to pursue personal activities, hobbies and interests makes it easier to be the emotional support system an aging loved one needs and deserves.

Firstat Nursing Services has been providing a higher standard of home nursing, home health and home care services for elderly, disabled and injured people in the greater San Diego area since 1997.

People wanting to learn more are encouraged to pick up a copy of our free guide… “Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider" Just give us a call at 619-220-7600 or visit our website at:

Firstat Nursing Services
411 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108
☎ 619-220-7600

In Home Care El Cajon, In Home Care Chula Vista